Buying Ghost Camo

There is a method on ttg to get free ghost camo.
Fantastic said:
Hello guys, I'm going to show you the method I've been using so far to get a bunch of Ghost camo codes (1 per account unfortunately but you can make more accounts for more codes) you also must have a linked elite account to do this.

So what will you need to do:

First off you will need this picture Save it to your pictures because you will need it later.

Second step is you're going to need to go to this link [spoil]here[/spoil]

Once you have gone to said page you will need to fill it out just copy this:[spoil]here[/spoil]

Video Tutorial by the founder:

Feel free to pm me if you need any help with this.
It works perfectly for me? Are you ip banned on there or something?
If it does not work, they probably caught on.
They are in the process of finding a solution so that people won't do it anymore. That is why it is down. I got mine free yesterday :D
I also need one, I thought it would work on every account on my Xbox :/. Hmu I guess