Buying IGs


Active Member
Looking for nice IGs, preferably ones that would be good for niches. My payment method is paypal. I got enough money.. Don't worry about that. I need stuff that's fashion/clothing/cute anything like that, if it doesn't relate to that stuff still PM me! I might be interested. Also, don't offer me any shitty usernames. I will ignore you.

Current budget: $2k

Can possibly do WU. Got a little bit of BTC.. Most payments will be PP.
Still buying please PM me any decent Instagrams you have
I'd be careful bro, wait till the wave dies down.
Rude said:
Hmu sweetie. I have a few nice things.

Hopefully you don't ride the wave, if ya catch my drift.

Thanks for the offers, still looking guys.
GL finding a new instagram man. watch out for tha ban wave.
Looking for a nice username still. Hit me up guys.