BUYING OG - $500 budget + tags to trade -

RE: Looking to buy a OG or Semi OG Gamertag

Still looking for a tag that I like. Whether it be original or semi original
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

I have 2 gamertags that are for sale if you havent found one yet.
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

I'm still looking to buy a GT. Message me if you have anything 

I am still looking for a tag...message me if you have anything 
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

I am still looking for a tag. I really need one so message me if you have anything 
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

good luck with this man! Hope you could find one! I have one but im not selling.
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

Bomb said:
As the title says, I'm looking to buy a OG or Semi OG gamertag.

I don't care about stats/live etc.

It MUST be a secure account. I prefer if it has only had 1 owner and has never had Gold on it.

Message me if your GT meets the criteria or is relatively close. We can negotiate prices aswell


im so cool and that so yeah. hi hihihihi
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

I am still looking for a tag that I like and will keep forever.

I bought a decent tag but I'm still looking
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

@Junior ? have you tried contacting him @Bomb
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

Bomb said:
Thanks for the offer beware, but I'm not really interested in that GT.

Still looking!
I have the Gamertags Bitterness, Geologists, Eastwards and Slimming message me on Kik @3.5 if interested.
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

Bitterness said:
I have the Gamertags Bitterness, Geologists, Eastwards and Slimming message me on Kik @3.5 if interested.
You see that line across his username? Means the idiot BANNED. 
RE: BUYING OG - $300 -

Alucard said:
You see that line across his username? Means the idiot BANNED. 
Who the fuck are you calling an idiot?

Anyways, I'm still looking for a tag. Have around a $500 budget and some decent tags I could trade as well. Would prefer to do a trade+$$ for a nice tag
Ascending said:
I might have something for you but it might not exactly make the cut. How much are you willing to spend?

hey can you hook me up with a 3 letter ill pay a decent amount depending on the name