What were all about:
ForumKorner is a community. We love to talk and do stuff. This group doesn't want money, sex, or your stupid social mediums. (Btw Peppercheesespray is not an OG)
We are nice people! We are sweet some people say. We do it for the experience not the monetary outcome. Consider this while you write your little applications
PLEASE: Do not copy others posts! I will give you a warning. You get 5 before you are blacklisted forever.
Only question:
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype? Shoutout to @Felon and @Pride for being active in the Skype group!
Please spend time on this question, and it is not required. If you want to make your own application up answering your own questions that will be MAJOR extra credit.
If you get accepted please wear the user bar as much as possible. Here is a button to do it automagically:

Click the button to set as your user bar!