Candy Recruitment Open

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Fade said:
Name: Ben
Age: 15
Location: United Kingdom

Why do you think you deserve to be in the group?

I think I deserve to be in the group because I'm a friendly character, and I look out and help members if they need help. Also because I haven't been in a group for a while, and I feel this one, I can focus on, and put all my best in to being super active, and posting at least every day in the sub forum.

How will you benefit from it?

I think that I will benefit from the group by becoming a much more friendly person, although I am ;) and also benefit from helping people, if they need any.

Can you be on Skype?

Yes, but to be honest, I won't be on all day, maybe like an hour a day, because I hate skype, but I will make the effort to come on and talk to you all, although it will over the forums!!

Are you active on the forum?

I'm on daily, for quite a few hours, to talk to people, to make some business, to buy some stuff, and to generally browse through the threads! This means that I will be active in the sub forum, and will enjoy my time in the group!

How many days will you wear the Userbar?

I will try and wear it at least 3-5 days a week, that's if I join another group in the future, but considering I'm not in one at the moment, I can wear it 6-7 days a week!

What will you do to contribute?

I will contribute some free stuff in the sub forum, exclusively to Candy members, and not leechers! I will also help any members to set a great example of the group. Also I will host the odd giveaway on behalf of Candy.

Anything else?

Nope, that's about it guys! Thank you for reading @Yeti, and I hep I have a good chance of joining, if I do join, I look forward to talking to you all!

#voteferfade2k14 ;)

@felon - shout me out bb ;)


Excellent application bro! Stay active and have fun. Im honored to have you in my group.
Yeti said:

Excellent application bro! Stay active and have fun. Im honored to have you in my group.

Woo! Thank you Yeti, have a good night mate.

Why do you deserve to be in Candy?

Because I'm really active especially lately, with not much going irl.

Are you active on Skype?

To be honest? I don't really get on skype much. I'm increasingly interested in skype lately though.

I'd love to be in Candy. It seems like a fun and productive group with users of interest in activity. I'll wear the userbar 5/7 days of the week. Hopefully this application will be accepted.
1. Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it?
I think I deserve to be in the very awesome group candy is because i am very active and respective to everyone that I meet. This group seems really fun and I am a very fun, truthful, non-bully of a person and I post a lot in all the sections and do giveaways which will benefit it by showing a (I hope) future candy member that the group is very kind and honorable. I will maybe be able to get more people to come and fill out this application to join candy as well!

2. How much will I wear the userbar!
24/7 all the time!!!

3. Can you be on Skype?
Yes I can be on skype but only 4 or 5 days a week

I hope I get in! Fingers crossed!
Thank you for the chance @yeti @poison
Name: @God
Race: Saiyan
Power Level:

Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I think I deserve to be in Candy because I like to think of myself as a very high quality member. I'm online nearly all day everyday, usually stalking you guys. ;) Not to mention I would wear the UB most days of the week. I think I can benefit the group because, throughout my life of 18 years, I have attained a vast amount of knowledge in the technological field. Mainly networking, web, and programming. (game design and business apps)
And im happy to help anyone with any questions related to my expertise.

Yes I can be on Skype.
To answer the question, I deserve to be in the group based on quality. I feel I am a decent enough person to get in. I try to help anyone when I can, and I don't really see myself as better than anyone. I can benefit the group in the way that I will be active, and I will help out where needed, whether this be members of the group or the forum in general. As you said, it's a community and to operate as such we need people in it who can help out. Everyone deserves a chance, and that is all I ask for. I also will be on Skype more and more than I currently am, and will disclose that information if I am accepted.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it?
I believe I deserve to be added because this is an opportunity for me to have more fun, meet new people. I also try to help out as much as I can on the forum, I'm constantly trying to give back to the community, and I'll continue to do so. Since I joined FK, I've been on pretty much everyday, I'll be extremely active within the subforum. I will make sure to be respectful and mature towards other fellow members.

Can you be on Skype? Yes, I'm always on Skype!
Yeti said:

What were all about:

ForumKorner is a community. We love to talk and do stuff. This group doesn't want money, sex, or your stupid social mediums. (Btw Peppercheesespray is not an OG)

We are nice people! We are sweet some people say. We do it for the experience not the monetary outcome. Consider this while you write your little applications

PLEASE: Do not copy others posts! I will give you a warning. You get 5 before you are blacklisted forever.

Only question:

Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype? Shoutout to @Felon and @Pride for being active in the Skype group!


Please spend time on this question, and it is not required. If you want to make your own application up answering your own questions that will be MAJOR extra credit.

If you get accepted please wear the user bar as much as possible. Here is a button to do it automagically:


Click the button to set as your user bar!

lol I might have to do this. Lololololol
I would love to join candy because it a HQ, And even though im new im HQ member, Im on FK 4+ hours a day and get along with pretty much every user, I hope you look over this @Yeti I really want to be in Candy, Thanks alot.

Edit-Yes i can be on the skype group :)
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?
Well, first off, I can be on Skype, and will be active in the Candy Skype chat. I think I deserve to be in the group because I am a very high quality member. I know I haven't been a member for long, but I have came here from another forum, seeking a bigger Xbox marketplace. I have found my wish here. I also have been a leader of a group on another forum (that closed), and I know just how important activity is in a group, and I KNOW I can provide that. I think I will be beneficial because of my activity. I am a typical teenager, who get distracted by friends, so I will definitely be active.

Thank you @Yeti for reading my application, and hope to be a part of your family.
Candy Recruitment ~ KING!

You wonder what I would do for ForumKorner and how I will be a good member.
It really depends on this group, since there are no requirements for posts, I wanted to apply and share what I can provide for Candy.

I'm helpful, respected and I do like to support people!
Support is one of my main reasons I reqister to different of various categories of forums.
If anyone ever needs help, I will help them by the name of Candy.
This is why I would like to join FK, I would also make threads which are helpful for others.
I am alot on skype aswell.

Kind regards,

PS: To all scumbags who got a warning, don't bother posting.
@yeti Goodluck with your group. I certainly am redirecting a few to apply for yours.
Yo @Jamil thanks for redirecting me here haha.

On 5/20/14, at 6:29 PM, Johnny G wrote:
> yo brah what would be an easy group to get into lmao

On 5/20/14, at 6:30 PM, Jamil wrote:
> I would suggest applying for "Candy". They accept everyone and their mom. The leader is a goon though, so play it safe.

Uhh @Yeti plz invite me ty lol
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group?
I feel like I deserve to be in the group because I am sweet to other members.​
How will you benefit this group?
I will bring a High Quality and chill feeling to the group and members, I am always thinking of new ideas and are very considerate of other people's ideas and feelings about something, therefore I am a great listener.​
Can you be on Skype?
Yes, I am always online on Skype unless I am with my girlfriend or friends, or maybe spending time with my family.​
Why should I be a part of this group?

I am very active when I am on, I will be very responsive and I spend a lot of time on the forums browsing and talking to others, Ive sent over 2000 PMs. I am easy to get along with and don't judge others until I get to know them.

How would I benefit the group?

To be honest I wont be bringing in anything much other than me wearing the userbar most of the time (unless I get my group), I am fairly active and I love to talk to new people. I do giveaways at random whenever I have extra stuff that I care little about.

Can I be on skype?

Yes but no. I have skype on my computer but no web cam, I dont go on my PC 24/7 but if Im home and you tell to hop on skype I will try to get on it.

Extra stuff.

I can dougie and I get tons of e girls on twitter so hmu for noodz.
I think I should be in Candy because it is a very active, HQ group. I am fairly new to FK but I am also very active. I love talking to people on here and I don't think I have ran into one person who has wronged me at all, with that being said I am very fond of the FK community and I feel that if I were to be in this group, eventually I can grow and make a lot of friends on FK. While doing such things I would love to represent your group. I am on Skype at almost all times, I have the app on my phone and it is always open on my Mac. I would like to thank you for reviewing my post and hopefully not skipping over me because I am new. I am very intelligent as well as people person and I would love for Candy to be my first group. Thanks again.
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I like this group. (1) The userbar is cool. (2) It seems to have lots of cool members too. (3) I am on skype a lot. (4) I will wear the userbar because I like it. (5) I am also active in subforums. (6) I am not 12 irl unlike 99% of FK. (7)
JohnnyG said:
Why do you think you deserve to be in the group, how will you benefit it? Can you be on Skype?

I like this group. (1) The userbar is cool. (2) It seems to have lots of cool members too. (3) I am on skype a lot. (4) I will wear the userbar because I like it. (5) I am also active in subforums. (6) I am not 12 irl unlike 99% of FK. (7)

idgaf anymore, welcome.
good thing ur not 12
cuz im 11
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