Cannibal's Middleman Service

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Power member.

I am willing to middleman for the following items:
  • Gamertags
  • Twitters
  • Aims
  • Microsoft Points
  • Xbox Live Gold Membership
  • And possibly more...

Terms of Service

1. I am not responsible for any item after the deal is over.
2. I have the right to decline to middleman, no questions asked.
3. You must fill out the application below before the deal.(Optional)

[b]What is the deal for?[/b]
[b]Your contact info:[/b]
[b]Other client's contact info:[/b]
[b]Do you accept my Terms of Service?[/b]

Q and A

Q: Is this middleman service free?
A: Yes, my middleman service is free.

Q: When are you available during the day?
A: I am regularly online most of the day in the afternoon.

Q: How can I contact you?
A: You can get in contact with me either by posting on this thread, private messaging me, or by messaging me on AIM. My one and only AIM is "" anything else is not me.
Vouch for this guy. Most rep on the site.
Vouch for this user, maybe I can finally stop getting spammed to MM now.
Beware of a going away scam in the near future. Anyone could do this.
Violence said:
Beware of a going away scam in the near future. Anyone could do this.

Obviously anyone could scam at any given time, I'm not that type of person though. I have put too much time into this site to ruin my reputation as a trusted member. I have no intentions on scamming anyone ever.
Hes MM for us Now u dude

What is the deal for? The aim Issue
Your contact info: CatholicXBL
Other client's contact info: Issue
Do you accept my Terms of Service? Yes sir
Cannibal is a random don't listen to him.

JK, he's legit as a cow
What is the deal for?: 30 dollars pp and Xbox live account for MLG account
Your contact info: aim:gatorballa30
Other client's contact info: aim: MartinoGB
Do you accept my Terms of Service?: Yes
Cannibal has my vouch. Good luck with your service, Cannibal!
I'm sure you will find customers since you are very trusted.

Edit: Did not realize it was free.
I vouch Cannibal 100% for a smooth and fast transaction. I bought an Xbox account with paypal through him. Thanks.
Vouch for Cannibal. MM'd for a trade and went very smooth. Thanks man.
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