Cannibal's Middleman Service

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Power member.

I am willing to middleman for the following items:
  • Gamertags
  • Twitters
  • Aims
  • Microsoft Points
  • Xbox Live Gold Membership
  • And possibly more...

Terms of Service

1. I am not responsible for any item after the deal is over.
2. I have the right to decline to middleman, no questions asked.
3. You must fill out the application below before the deal.(Optional)

[b]What is the deal for?[/b]
[b]Your contact info:[/b]
[b]Other client's contact info:[/b]
[b]Do you accept my Terms of Service?[/b]

Q and A

Q: Is this middleman service free?
A: Yes, my middleman service is free.

Q: When are you available during the day?
A: I am regularly online most of the day in the afternoon.

Q: How can I contact you?
A: You can get in contact with me either by posting on this thread, private messaging me, or by messaging me on AIM. My one and only AIM is "[email protected]" anything else is not me.
Vouch for this guy. Most rep on the site.
Vouch for this user, maybe I can finally stop getting spammed to MM now. :)
Beware of a going away scam in the near future. Anyone could do this.
Violence said:
Beware of a going away scam in the near future. Anyone could do this.

Obviously anyone could scam at any given time, I'm not that type of person though. I have put too much time into this site to ruin my reputation as a trusted member. I have no intentions on scamming anyone ever.
Hes MM for us Now <3 u dude :D

What is the deal for? The aim Issue
Your contact info: CatholicXBL
Other client's contact info: Issue
Do you accept my Terms of Service? Yes sir
Cannibal is a random don't listen to him.

JK, he's legit as a cow
What is the deal for?: 30 dollars pp and Xbox live account for MLG account
Your contact info: aim:gatorballa30
Other client's contact info: aim: MartinoGB
Do you accept my Terms of Service?: Yes
Cannibal has my vouch. Good luck with your service, Cannibal!
I'm sure you will find customers since you are very trusted.

Edit: Did not realize it was free.
I vouch Cannibal 100% for a smooth and fast transaction. I bought an Xbox account with paypal through him. Thanks.
Vouch for Cannibal. MM'd for a trade and went very smooth. Thanks man.
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