Cheap SM shop

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Really need to get a few things sold today.
Idk if its enough, but I'd give you 2 koins for your email [email protected] (its after the reset so they might matter more idk). Either way, bump for this disease, glws.
White said:
Idk if its enough, but I'd give you 2 koins for your email [email protected] (its after the reset so they might matter more idk). Either way, bump for this disease, glws.

Koins have always been, and will continue to be, worthless to me.
The general idea of them is great, but they just aren't given enough meaning.
Plague said:
Koins have always been, and will continue to be, worthless to me.
The general idea of them is great, but they just aren't given enough meaning.

Lel its all good, I can probably make that 2$ paypal if interested. :)
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