Chill's Vouch Page

Vouch. bought/MM'd deals with me. User is beyond legit.
User bought my xbox live I went first and it was very smooth thanks dude. Vouch
chill is a 100% legit and will stick with him as he makes it smooth
Vouch for chill :) MM'd a deal for me.
Chill dude and legit asf.
vouch for chill, legit mm/seller!!!
Used chill as MM for a deal with @wutang :) everything well good and chill is legit as alwaysssss :)
Vouch for Chill. Smooth deal with this fucker lol. Thanks
Chill just MM'd for another deal :) went smooth and he is my go to MM.
Another vouch for @chill exhanged my PayPal for his BTC. Needed this fast and deal went smooth. Thanks dude
Vouch. Exchanged some paypal for his bitcoin. Easy smooth transaction :)
used as mm waited like 3 hours cause i was busy but still mm'd. chill guy.
MM'd a deal for me.. took some time but went smoothly when he and the other trader was available.
Huge vouch for @"Chill"!
He made our deal go smooth AF!