Choose my next gamertag get a free upgrade.

1. Trembles Bitch
2. Phillyosophy
3. Philly FK
4. Philled
5. Phillyed
6. Philla
7. Philly GG
8. King Philly
9. Philly 101
Im Philly
Itz Philly
Its Philly
Onyx Philly
Philly Onyx
Philly Power
Power Philly
FK Philly
Admin Philly
Forum Philly
Philly Korner
Philly ACP
Philly Philly
OMM Philly
Philly OMM
I Own FK

I'll post more if I ever think of any..
You already have the gamertag ForumKorner. What would the point of changing that be?
If you are looking for a semi or a actual OG they are pretty much all taken.
If you get more than one turbo'er on it of your own then swap you should be fine, swapped my tag the second day I had it with no problem.
1) Winning
2) Oregon
3) Phillied up
4) i own FK
Just came up with the best name!


I hate turboers. They have no life waiting for someone to change there gamertag. What a life...
What I can come up with..

'Philly FK'

I win bitches. :p
How about Stoned in Philly or Drunk in Philly?
Hmm how about

Aka Philly or aka Philly

I think it looks noice. ForumKorner is a cool tag though.
Splashy said:
I hate turboers. They have no life waiting for someone to change there gamertag. What a life...

I just wish you could change your gamertag online again, if you could you would have to be an idiot to get turboed.
loli have a few nice ones but i dont wanna post here or someone will take them. pm me if u read this
Mr Philly
P for Philly
PHlLLY <--My favorite

Those are my suggestions. I didn't bother to look through all seven pages before me, so if I said one that someone has already suggested, I'm sorry. >_<