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RE: 6 year OG Main

is it a 6 year only or does it have some stats on it?
RE: 6 year OG Main

Mind dropping me a PM with the tag OP if it's worth (tag alone) 200+?
RE: 6 year OG Main

Could you pm me the tag thanks :)
RE: 6 year OG Main

Vouch for OP he has the account.
RE: 6 year OG Main

im interested in the account only i dont want the GT so hmu if you could sell me the account only?
RE: 6 year OG Main

Vouch! He has the tag! Was just talking to him
RE: 6 year OG Main

Wish I had the funds. I really want a GT with a nice Tenure. My main had a 2 but it got banned.
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