Gym said:I don't know anyone off hand, could you elaborate on what "Azza" is? Not familiar with the name.
Ohh okay, never heard the name before I guess.Poppy said:Azza lobbies are for trickshotter who can't hit shit online so they need a person with a JTAG / RGH to host one
(its basically private match with match bonus, and explosive bullets(sometimes)) said:im beyond lazy with azza lobbies but i can do superman lobbies lmk.
+Apple said:I have a JTAG but i'm currently on holiday for 2 months, anyway if I did I would still need a thingy, whats it called? Forgot the name, but it basically lets you online, and they are like $20 per day last time I checked.
Critical said:A keyvault? Stealth? Just guesses because idk shit about JTAGs.