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Power member.
I am looking to sell my RSGP since im saving up for a sexy gamertag. You can also offer me OG Gamertags, and I will surely trade for it. Thanks

Current Stock: 1000m (1b)

Payment Type: Moneypak / PayPal Gift (if i deem you're trusted)

Proof of RSGP:

Please Post your offers/ gamertags below. If you need another way of contacting me, my aim is "Astralisog". Thanks.

i have pm'ed you about this, expecting a pm back
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

i have the gamertag " Multiply " i'm willing to trade for rsgp.
reply if interested
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

Indeed i am. Add me in game "People_Yo333"

Damnation said:
I have the tag "Agasp" with sick COD stats.
HMU if you are interested. If not, go down on me?​

Wait, WTF does this mean Damn?? I thought we had something.......
Good luck finding a tag. Go to Hackforums and you will find more options.

Poop said:
Wait, WTF does this mean Damn?? I thought we had something.......
Good luck finding a tag. Go to Hackforums and you will find more options.

Thank you sir. I hope i can find something soon.
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

I got 'Providence' its the capital of Rhode Island, Major MLG events are held there. It also has a meaning just look it up.

Account comes with:
-1 Year of XBL
-700 MSP
-Ambassadors program, if you help people you can get free MSP.
-XBL Rewards
-Castle Crashers

Stats: MW3- 1st Prestige Level 80. (1.50 KDR)
Black Ops- 1st Prestige Level 47 (1.50 KDR)
MW2- 9th Prestige Level 70
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

Water, Pm me About Providence, it would be a very nice tag for me .
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

I have these gamertags, Pm me if intersted..

Channel Setting
Search Channel
Not Monetized

(Otology Is the study of ears and stuff)
(Whdo is a random name)
(Mainour is stolen goods found with a theif)
(Qhap is a random name)
(Wlfo is random name)
(Trifflen is When somethings buggen, crazy, bad)
(Channel Setting is from Youtube)
(Search Channel i fro youtube )
(not Monetized is from youtube also)
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

I have a lot of gamertags I am willing to sell for cheap including "Distill" I added you on rs, waiting for you to get on.
RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

Best tag so far is Multiple. All others are shit.

RE: RSGP for Gamertags!

Still Looking guys, HMU! Looking for a pretty nice tag for my main.
RE: RSGP for Gamertags! - Updated

Ok guys, lets try this again. I've updated the OP with a screenshot showing my RSGP in game. Show me what you have to offer! Thanks!
RE: RSGP for Gamertags! - Updated

What can i get for the tag Plaything

i have a gamertag that i want to trade for gp
RE: RSGP for Gamertags! - Updated

hey man ill give a 20th prestige with all unlocked mw3 for RSGP
PM me back if you want
the gamertag is - Swwisher
RE: RSGP for Gamertags! - Updated

L11 said:
hey man ill give a 20th prestige with all unlocked mw3 for RSGP
PM me back if you want
the gamertag is - Swwisher

Not so interested in stat accounts bud. Just looking for gamertags.

I know someone out there has a nice tag they will trade for RSGP. Hmu Guys!
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