Astral said:I am looking to trade My RSGP for your gamertags. I am primarily looking for Original Gamertags, But show me what you have to offer.
Proof of RSGP:
Please Post your gamertags below. If you need another way of contacting me, my aim is "Astralisog". Thanks.
Astral said:Thanks for the vouch Hash, means alot.
Jon I'll HYU. What's your aim?
Edit: I'm an idiot lol. I'll be sure to contact you as soon as possible.
Custom Playlist said:So you'll do 150M for $67.50? And this is basically just wondering because if so I'm going to need to get the money, might be able to get it in a few days.
Robbyy said:I have the GT 'Mattress' lol.
Laracite said:Yo, What $ Per M you selling for. Im interested at the right price