Label said:i believe someone has the GT "Earl" but you won't buy it for cheap tho
Label said:i believe someone has the GT "Earl" but you won't buy it for cheap tho
Control said:Wasn't really looking for just 'Earl', Read the OP, I want 'EarlSweatshirt'.
Salvation said:Hash who is actually still here, scammed Earl off of someone. I remember we were TS'ing and everyone would go insane with reactions.
It did get returned back. I don't know the whereabouts on these though.
Control said:Earl or Earl Sweatshirt ?.
You guys are getting confused. I am looking for the GT's TylerTheCreator & EarlSweatshirt, Not Tyler & Earl. Yes the OP may be a little misleading, But if you read the whole OP, Then you'd figure it out.
Dunk said:I think no one in fk has these tags, i think its just skids on xbox that made the account and left it alone.
Loyal said:guess, u'd kill for Jerrys tag ha? he has ofafksjdalwagtwa or w.e the fuck it is.