Trojan said:It doesn't, you're saying you guys are above rules, so i'm asking if scamming applies as well.
If you read properly, I said "that rule doesn't apply to us", not "all rules don't apply to us".
Trojan said:It doesn't, you're saying you guys are above rules, so i'm asking if scamming applies as well.
Michael said:If you read properly, I said "that rule doesn't apply to us", not "all rules don't apply to us".
Trojan said:Where does it say that rule doesn't apply to you? Or did you chalk that one up yourself? Leader scammed and he didn't get banned, my assumption seems to be correct.
Michael said:Ask Philly, lmao. Leader did not scam. I refuse to go off topic any more, if you want to argue about this, PM me. That's right, it's an assumption. Keep it at that.
Sector said:Both are disgusting and rot your teeth.