Cole's MiddleMan Service Is Now Open!
[align=center]Deals MM'd - Over 50 tags, over $1K worth of items.
Cole's MiddleMan Service Is Now Open!
[align=center]Deals MM'd - Over 50 tags, over $1K worth of items.
What I Can MiddleMan For
Paypal Transactions
Gamertag trades
Aim Trades
Yahoo Trades
Xbox MSP or Account Trades
I have the right to decline any mm for any reason any time.
If anything during the trade happens. (etc. You give me money and Other Trader Logs Off.) You will be refunded 100% and receive a sorry note from myself.
All paypal trade will be sent as payment owed and a note must be written with your FK username.
I have no responsibility for any items in the trade after the deal is done.
You will vouch me HONESTLY after the trade is complete. (If it was good, Good feedback. If it was terrible, Bad feedback)
I will always Middle Man for Free, if anyone else says other wise, please refer them to this post
Application Setup
Trade: (Yours/His or Hers)
Aim Name:
Other Person's FK/AiM: (Please Include Both)
Do You Agree to my terms?
Contact info: Aim - Rise[/align][/align]
Catholic said:The, best MM on this site hands down still.
The most reliable user, MM'd Catholic for me, now it's all mine.
Screams said:Thanks alot bro ! you are the shit! needed a mm and you came through
Transform said:Another $300 deal MM'd for me by Durantula.
As legit as can be.
Hyperlite said:He just mm'd for me, the deal involved 300$. Went smooth and quick!