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Active Member
Damn. Nice find man.

Thanks for letting us know


User is banned.
@Hurt and Distinguished FK Guests, Users and Staff - I do understand what you are saying, im not a Con, bad Person or scamming no one at all, and im not a dodgy business at all. I am doing this the legal and right way, Yes i do have a Verified Business running under my ABN (Australian Business Number: 51 737 242 409 ) "" Lookup my ABN Here: http://abr.business.gov.au/ "" for my Hosting Company ""Cortex Hosts"" in Australia, John Hugh Lockhart is my real legal name and trading under my Real Legal name is my business name as Cortex Networks and Cortex Hosts and i am also doing this the legal and right way, mind you aswell im also paying tax also how can i be a scam, or dodgy if im paying tax and i have a legal business plus yea, what more can i say. Now Look, Paypal goes through rigorous Processes to get a Verified Business Paypal, paypal makes sure your not a scammer, part of a money laundering rings for example and so forth like that. Anyway Enough has been said, believe what you want to believe. Ive said my bit, im ending this. What more PROOF or Action can i give you or tell you that will resolve this Issue. Please tell me and ill be more then happy enough to respond back and tell you and explain. What more would you like to know or want from me ?

ATTENTION FK Community:​

I am here to do a Genuine, Honest Legal Business at Forum Korner. I hate seeing my Rep tarnished and my Past, that i very much dislike keeping on coming back to bite me. I have Grown Up, Changed, Matured and i am here to good and NOT evil, not to Rip, Hack or SCAM anyone off and stuff to that nature and make my Business ""Cortex Hosts"" do very well and Promote my Business here.

- Anyway Everyone, Please Tell me Community what i can do to get this Issue Resolved with Everyone, and make you all happy with me (@CortexNetworks). I would love to Move on and get this issue Resolved and Fixed with Everyone at this Community. So please can you tell me, what i need to do too fix this ?


Onyx user!
He keeps saying I'm posting untrue/negative things yet all I did is post what I found. I have all of the sources so it's pointless claiming that I'm stating untrue things. I'm not going to post a huge paragraph in reply to you because I feel that I've conveyed what I need to; that you're a conman who isn't welcome on this forum and should be avoided at all costs.


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@Poet - Once again, you have just listed Threads and Story's claiming that me/ i am a Con-Man. Which i am Defiantly Not, im much better then that. I have a Heart and i am not like that at all, i have scammed no-one in my lifetime at all. I have a Verified, Legal Business which i plan to do legally and not be fraudulent or nothing to that nature or extent. How about you at least give me some cutesy and kindness before you judge me, how about also you get to know me before judging me, what others have said about me that are not true at all. You do not know me, so therefore you have no right to form an opinion or judge me and put a label on me as "Con-Man"", once again i am NOT a ""Con or Scam Person"" at all. Once you have got to know me much better, then i give you your right (100% Permission) to form an opinion on me and judge, but until you get to know me then you actually have no right at all. You are Also not me, you dont know the full story or what really did happen at all, you only just heard garbage story online that are not true, me (I have) told you what really has happened, the real truth here on this thread. I am not lying to you one little bit and im telling you the honest truth.

@Poet - How would you feel if a Hacker Set you Up, Hacked you and abused you, DOXED you back in 2010 and then published all over the internet un-true/ Negative and false accusations things about you. That is what happened to me back in 2010, put yourself i my shoes and Please tell me how would you feel ?

Also, in this world there are numerous other very bad people, such as hackers ( Black Hat), Rapists, Pedophiles, killers for example also only a few days ago a TV reporter killed 1 reporter and cameraman on Live TV, this is much more serious then just this Silly Thread. Look at the Report here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-26/journalists-shots-dead-on-live-television/6727868 , i was just giving you an example of a much more serious Crime, that truly did happen. I am NOT one of these very bad people at all. So why @poet, why are you taking these story's and stuff, your blowing it out very out of proportion mate. I have not once been rude to you at all aswell, and yet your calling me names such as "con-men", and other names, i have been totally honest and upfront to you all. I think this has to STOP and this thread closed.


Power member.
Good Job @Poet you did some really good work here. I have traced back his email addresses and can confirm one hundred percent that this guy is the same guy that is on ForumKorner.com under the username 'CortexNetworks'

I have heard from my research that this guy just wants free servers, specifically Windows Servers for running Habbo Hotels and other games/websites.

This is a very bad habit to have from a business partner stand point.

I have been researching and have confirmed that the same person is still up to these schemes even up to 2015.

I would stay clear of everything regarding this guy for the time being.


User is banned.
@404 - Yea so who cares if ive done Habbo Retros in the past and thats really irrelevent, im not a bad person at all. And i only got Setup in 2010 not in 2015, i am carrying out a Verified and Legal business in Australia, im a honest person and im here to do no shady businesses at all. I am a Supporter on this Forum for a Reason aswell, because im verified, Legal and honest person. Ive said enough, ive told you time and time again my real story and truth. But believe what you want to believe.....
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