Count To 10000!

I don't know either. We'll reach 10000 soon. Just you wait and see.

Going to learn more about using capacitors in our circuit analysis. Last class was Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits and before that was source transformations.

It is, I enjoy it. Lots of math though. I would consider making a tutorial guide for circuits like I am doing C++.....but I don't think anyone here would use it or find it interesting. lol. Who would want to sit at home and learn math?


You want the Circuits tutorial? Just drawing circuits (schematics) and math. lol. Can be applied to real circuits though.

Hm...not sure how much this could help you with that. lol

Wires don't really mean anything. What actually has meaning is what the wires are connected to, both ends.

Then they are just wires connected to themselves. Nothing is going through them. Nothing is happening.

Then that implies they are no longer just connected to themselves. You now have a voltage/current source. Even if there are no resistors or anything, the wire has a natural resistance. And pretty much the electricity just goes in circles and follows the wire. Still wouldn't serve any purpose at this point.

Then you got this: (just drew it for you)
All sources are "connected to themselves" or else they wouldn't do anything. Usually for it to be useful though and serve a purpose, you have other things connected in there as well. But it has to be a loop.

EDIT: Time to go to class, later!

fucking fuck yes mother fuckers