1.0 Introduction.
Today I'm going to introduce you into a method to crack minecraft accounts.We will use a bruteforce tool which will all be explained.The downloads + a virus scan will also be available.
1.1 What is a bruteforce tool and how does it work?
Well a bruteforce tool is basically a tool that constantly logs in with different accounts usernames and passwords with the use of proxy's and a wordlist/Password or Combo list.It will also constantly switch proxy's after "x" amount of logins.
1.2 Which tools are we going to use?
Well first off all we have the most important tool named "Axep" which we will be using as our bruteforce tool we will also need to register a .OCX file in order for this tool to work which also will be explain further in the tutorial. We also need a proxy leecher therefor we will be using ProxyScraperGui. After we have our proxy's we need to be sure they all work thats why we have a proxychecker.
1.3 Downloads and the virus scans.
ProxyScraper virusscan
Apex virusscan
For the download link for all these tools please click here.
Apex is what we call a false positive if you still dont feel like trusting it i suggest you sandboxie it heres the link if you need more information and a download link www.sandboxie.com .
2.0 Cracking accounts.
Lets start off first with registering our .OCX. This can simply be done by running the "Resgistrator OCX.exe" as an administrator and click register.An example can be found down below. (You might be able to run the tool without using the register.
After that we can succesfully execute the tool and get started.
2.1 ProxyList.
First off all get some proxy's with the proxyscraper tool and check them afterwords with the proxychecker.
2.2 Combo list
Lets start off by loading our combolist into our tool by clicking the "load" button in the crackinglist tab.After that it should show "1/29002 users".
2.3 ProxyList.
After that click the "proxy list" tab and again click load and sellect the proxy's you've gathered.Make sure you checked the box at your right.
2.4 Site settings.
Now we need to select a config , please click the site settings tab on your left.
I've made a new config for minecraft and added into this version off Apex so select the minecraft config.
2.5 Cracking.
Now we can finely begin to start cracking minecraft accounts by switching again to the crackinglist tab and by pressing the start button then you should wait till you match a username and password that you can use to your likes.
3.0 Afterword.
To make the accounts last longer i suggest you dont change the skin or password , if your lucky you run up to an inactive owner which makes it possible to do so.I hope i've helped some RG users with this tutorial and if your to lazy to go trough all this you can always check out my give away which is located at my signature.Also when you see any grammar mistakes or if you have some tips or tricks on how to improve my tutorials feel free to let me know.If you still have some questions please leave a reply in this thread and i will assist you.
Today I'm going to introduce you into a method to crack minecraft accounts.We will use a bruteforce tool which will all be explained.The downloads + a virus scan will also be available.
1.1 What is a bruteforce tool and how does it work?
Well a bruteforce tool is basically a tool that constantly logs in with different accounts usernames and passwords with the use of proxy's and a wordlist/Password or Combo list.It will also constantly switch proxy's after "x" amount of logins.
1.2 Which tools are we going to use?
Well first off all we have the most important tool named "Axep" which we will be using as our bruteforce tool we will also need to register a .OCX file in order for this tool to work which also will be explain further in the tutorial. We also need a proxy leecher therefor we will be using ProxyScraperGui. After we have our proxy's we need to be sure they all work thats why we have a proxychecker.
1.3 Downloads and the virus scans.
ProxyScraper virusscan
Apex virusscan
For the download link for all these tools please click here.
Apex is what we call a false positive if you still dont feel like trusting it i suggest you sandboxie it heres the link if you need more information and a download link www.sandboxie.com .
2.0 Cracking accounts.
Lets start off first with registering our .OCX. This can simply be done by running the "Resgistrator OCX.exe" as an administrator and click register.An example can be found down below. (You might be able to run the tool without using the register.

2.1 ProxyList.
First off all get some proxy's with the proxyscraper tool and check them afterwords with the proxychecker.
2.2 Combo list
Lets start off by loading our combolist into our tool by clicking the "load" button in the crackinglist tab.After that it should show "1/29002 users".
2.3 ProxyList.
After that click the "proxy list" tab and again click load and sellect the proxy's you've gathered.Make sure you checked the box at your right.
2.4 Site settings.
Now we need to select a config , please click the site settings tab on your left.
I've made a new config for minecraft and added into this version off Apex so select the minecraft config.
2.5 Cracking.
Now we can finely begin to start cracking minecraft accounts by switching again to the crackinglist tab and by pressing the start button then you should wait till you match a username and password that you can use to your likes.
3.0 Afterword.
To make the accounts last longer i suggest you dont change the skin or password , if your lucky you run up to an inactive owner which makes it possible to do so.I hope i've helped some RG users with this tutorial and if your to lazy to go trough all this you can always check out my give away which is located at my signature.Also when you see any grammar mistakes or if you have some tips or tricks on how to improve my tutorials feel free to let me know.If you still have some questions please leave a reply in this thread and i will assist you.