You were being arrogant by joining the thread simply to try to prove you had a better way to go about finding who has the tag now.
Okay, let me break this down for you:
Arrogant - exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner
You replied to my thread because you thought what you had to say was important. That's fine, maybe it could have been useful, but it wasn't. You knew this, I knew this, anyone reading this thread knew this, but you felt the need to respond as if what you had to say was still to some importance. Then you included this -_- with it, only going to show everyone here how much pride you have in what you said. Too bad what you had pride in saying wasn't to any importance at all.
And you most definitely can tell someone's personality on the internet, unless they're constantly lying. BUT, the act of being arrogant isn't necessarily a personality trait, so you saying that was fairly dumb in itself.
Okay, that should do it. Does it for me at least; meaning I'm not responding to you again.
Alright, deuces everyone. ♥
*edited my foolish tense changes*