I am selling a few tags which are okish LOL. some are worth something, other prob not much...
Prices will be negotiated later on....
1) ECONOM*C (justified in terms of profitability.)
Hint: l for Laughter
2) Jan*ne (Female Name, can sometimes be pronounced as "Janeen" )
Hint: a for Apple
3) Pu*ty Squ*d (New Arcade game which could become popular)
Hint: t For Train
a for ants
4) Mabe**e (Name)
Hint I for Ivy
5) Roch*le (Name)
Hint: l for Light
6) Ab*eGale (very well known name) SOLD#
Hint: b for Buggy!
7) P*nthia (Name, uncommon in the UK or USA)
Hint: e for elections
Prices will be negotiated later on....
1) ECONOM*C (justified in terms of profitability.)
Hint: l for Laughter
2) Jan*ne (Female Name, can sometimes be pronounced as "Janeen" )
Hint: a for Apple
3) Pu*ty Squ*d (New Arcade game which could become popular)
Hint: t For Train
a for ants
4) Mabe**e (Name)
Hint I for Ivy
5) Roch*le (Name)
Hint: l for Light
6) Ab*eGale (very well known name) SOLD#
Hint: b for Buggy!
7) P*nthia (Name, uncommon in the UK or USA)
Hint: e for elections