RE: Seller Section Mods
Staff handle the marketplace, not mods. Gold sales NEED pictures in it otherwise it will be locked, Auth sales are debatable but if you just search it on google you can always tell it was free then simply just pm a Staff member. There is no use for mods in marketplace.
Chewbaka said:We have 7 mods, most of them are active. We have 4 staff that are all active. We have 2 admins that are active.
It is a good idea but we don't need a tons of mods running around. I have seen forums overstaff their forum and members didn't like it.
We are fine now, but if it becomes a huge issue then Management will handle.
Staff handle the marketplace, not mods. Gold sales NEED pictures in it otherwise it will be locked, Auth sales are debatable but if you just search it on google you can always tell it was free then simply just pm a Staff member. There is no use for mods in marketplace.