Do people get banned for hacking accounts on RS?


Hello all, i have been wondering lately if it is possible to get banned for hacking accounts on runescape? as in i got the username and passwords from a keylog, and i log into their accounts drop/trade/stake it to my main.

What are the odds on getting banned?

Yes, people do get banned for it.
NickVsYou said:
You may get banned for transferring the gold, but not for hacking the accounts, just be sure to use a second pc, or a friend to xfer.

I make it look legit as possible as in if i would stake i would stake an equal ammount.
and have the other guy fight back,but then i start to win and boom, transferred.
NickVsYou said:
Do some roleplay, i always do it.

Play it out like you're some pro staker, and he's unlucky, idk.

Ye thats exactly how im doing it :p
Well if you multi-login, there's another reason to ban you right there. Plus they'd notice the other person dropped X amount of cash while only being logged onto your IP once. Insta-ban.