Do you...

I'm not normal at real life. I'm kinda.. crazy.
Blur said:
Ehh, aren't we all?

I'm superior, unstoppable, unreal and scary. I'm LVL 100 at crazyness.
Blur said:
Jesus, I'm over 9,000 bro!
In this week, i did all this:

lying in the road, say "FUCK OFF" to a police ( and then i runned like a bitch ), burn my school book, draw a dick on a car with my key, weed, killed a rat (really, my friends said i was killing TMNT master), and other crazy stuff.. I got 3% on a test.
Blur said:
3%? That's just bad.

Yeah, i know. It's math, not my problem, math is like.. CCCHHIINNEESSS! I don't really care, i'm hakuna matata ;).
Yes, Simply because most people around me are idiots and anything they are told is magically real.
I act so different, IRL I am really random and don't give a shit about school tbh.
I've had an assignment due for 2 weeks an I have to have it in today, I haven't even started and don't plan on it.