Dream gt: Jet
Before i really got involved in the xbox market, I was using a website called sythe to sell gold and rare names for a game called runescape.
I checked out the xbox section and found Sergeant, which I fuckin loved. bought it for 300m ($150)
was later scammed it trading for Jet, its a long story. I didn't know shorter tags had more value and such. I was so pissed.
Arsenal contacted me on xbl wantign my tag, offered me tags like stripper, firemen, fusion, some others but those are ones I remember atm.
told him i wouldnt trade it for anything except jet and that I wasn't interested
he said he could get JEt
told me to give him 3 days
3 days later jet got swapped to a fresh silver
he never showed me proof, but I figured that was good enough proof and he was really nice.
Now Jet is gone