Dream GT

Dream GT: One

I would just love to have a number from 1-10. It would be so awesome.
My dream GTs would have to be Ghost and Religion, ohh and can't forget the tag Z
Probably : A lol rarest ever..

Cost: 1000$ but I wouldn't pay that ;(
the letter G or v1 Quad God I would pay big for those. Got Q U A D though :p
GT: eric Its my name :p Price: my xbox lol
Mine would be UAV, because whenever I get online it will say 'UAV is online' which is what the characters say when they call in a UAV if someone didn't know.
Quad or Skill or Elite would be my 3 favourite, but they are all v1s

although I do have Q U A D
I would do pretty much anything for the tag Noah.
My dream gamertag would have to be . booty or Karma

I'd pay a lot
Chin or Dubstep. One of those two. Personal meaning over value, so wouldnt really put up money for either. If one came my way I would happily take it.