Drinking age 21 or 18?

I live in Australia and the legal age is 18 to smoke, drink, vote in elections. I think the Australian Government should up the age for drinking, but I also think it would be pointless in some ways. There are too many people dieing due to drinkdriving incidents and when Aussies get on the piss, they get on it hard.

But here, everyone starts drinking at like 14-15, so it's pointless in some ways.

Alcohol > Life
should be 13...as long as your not harming anyone in the process, i see no harm in doing it at all to others.

So much better for the younger people
I think it should be 18 due to the fact that is when you are a adult.
I'm 19 years old, leaving for the military soon. I don't know why I can't have a beer.
18 YO are 2 stupid to drink if it was legal. They were would be too much drinking and driving imho. SO I will side with 21 even though im 18.
I think the drinking age is fine where it is already.
Quad said:
18 YO are 2 stupid to drink if it was legal. They were would be too much drinking and driving imho. SO I will side with 21 even though im 18.

An 18 year old is an adult, it should be their choice not the governments. 21 is a ridiculous drinking age. A 20 year old not being able to legally buy alcohol is in my opinion, retarded.

It's a matter of personal freedom, if an 18-20 year old wants to buy a 6 pack or a bottle of Jack he should be able to do so legally. They're adults after all.

It is one thing to drink it which I have no problem doing, but if you are not mature enough to not drive afterwards AND EFFECT EVERYONE ELSES LIFE then you should not be drinking. In todays society 18YO are so immature(including myself) that it is pointless to make it legal.
I think alcohol should be illegal. Kill's way to many people, Im getting tired of it.

Well where I live, Scotland, when people go out drinking they don't bring their cars and that includes 18 year olds. If you're going to stop 18 year olds from buying booze on the basis that they will drink drive, why not ban OAP's from driving? I know of 4 people knocked over by an old age pensioners behind the wheel, 1 killed, 1 in a wheel chair for 2 years and the other 2 got lucky. And that's just in my area. In fact the OAP driver that knocked over my friend who was in a wheel chair for 2 years had knocked over another 2 people previously.
If a man (or woman) can join the military at age 18 why can they not make the decision to drink? Thats how i see it
because in the long run somking is worse but in the short run drinking is. most people learn to drive at 17 and they also go out drinking so drink driving innicedents are more common hence forth it being 21 to try and avoid drink related inncidents
why should we be able to dring, but not smoke weed, weed makes you mello, where alcohol makes you violent. good move once again to the USA government!
Philly said:

I personally think that the drinking ag should be 18, and not 21. Why should we be able to smoke at 18, and not drink. It just doesn't make since.

UK its 16 to smoke and 18 to drink sucks to see it 21, maybe it will get deducted to a lower age soon.
I think the legal drinking age is 21 for a reason. They use science to determine the safest earliest age to drink.
Robot said:
UK its 16 to smoke and 18 to drink sucks to see it 21, maybe it will get deducted to a lower age soon.

Nope its 18 to smoke in UK. It used to be 16 a few years ago but by the time I was 16 it went up to 18.

But yeah I think that you should be able to drink at 18. Since its 18 here in the uk and it doesnt really cause any problems that waiting another 3 years would fix, it seems like the right time. Most kids start drinking at like 15 or 16 anyway by getting other people to buy it for them.
21 to drink? and 18 to get shot in war? the government just doesnt care about our lives..