#EasyPhishers Strike

SICK :/ how did you ever manage to pull that off.
My SE is good but not like people would give me there info.

Who ever learns me to pull this off will get my first 3 phishes.
Idc about the loot i just wanna mess up some kids that brag 2 much.
nice job! mind giving me a few lessons? i have a website setup but i cant seem to get people to go on it
razz said:
wow those are some nice phishes
H4xPl0x said:
Nice phishes man :D
Thanks, only being live phishing for like barely 2 weeks now :D

oHvHo said:
nice job! mind giving me a few lessons? i have a website setup but i cant seem to get people to go on it
I wouldn't mind at all, I'm pm you mu skype info.

Wiizard said:
Really nice phish's. Keep it up.
Thanks, I sure will :).