It doesn't work in safari if thats what you're using. I'm on a mac using FireFox and it works fine.
It worked on Safari in windows.
Actually I am not sure if you can use two javascript codes at once, but I know there is one I'll look it up.
You can, either by running them after each other or by simply removing "Javascript:" from the second code, then appending the commands to the first code.
Also, to change the color of the selected text, you can use the execCommand function:
Javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; document.execCommand('foreColor', false, "#FF0000"); void(0);
Running that should change all selected text to red, change #FF0000 to the RGB Hex of the color you want.
.execCommand can also do a lot more, such as changing the background color and justifying text.
Also, as a shortcut for Boldening, Italicizing and Underlining text, you can use CTRL+B, CTRL+I and CTRL+U, respectively (use the option key on the mac).