Electronic Cigarettes? What do you think?




I found this product, Its basically a new high rated electronic cigarette. But I'm iffy about it and would like to know what you all think?
sorry yaar i think it dont have that kind of fun which we had in present cigerette perhaps i never smoke that .......
I don't smoke and I will never smoke. If I had to smoke, then I would probably get one of those electronic cigerettes because they won't harm you.
I have heard that they work for some people and for others they do not. I think it depends on if you are really committed to quitting smoking. I heard they help though.
My friend have e-ciggarets! Its nothing special, the real deal is ALOT better imo!
I will never smoke. Never. Smoking will kill you. So many people in this world have died because of smoking.
i've heard off this before :D
one off mine friends told me this because i tried to quit smoking but i can't :s
so maybe this is a solution :D
do they ship to belguim tho?
There are little Pros and Cons with this product.

- Much Healthier than the usual Cigarettes.
- There are no plastic/boxes are wasted, so It is Eco-Friendly.
- There are also different flavors to choose. (my Friend said it.) So you will never be feel awful smoking because of bitter taste.

- It is much more pricey than the usual Cigarettes. (Depending on your country, Since our Cigarette price here is half a dollar per case)
I heard about this sometime ago but not know how it works..Anyway I am not a smoker so this product is not for me...
Heard it for the first time but looks nice though. You didn't mention the feature of it..as it is electronic cigarette, what it does?
I don't think this will help those who want to totally quit smoking. Electric smoking can still give you the feel of smoking which in the first place is what you want to get rid off. I don't see anything useful in these electric cigarettes but only another product to entice people on having vices for life forever.
lol first time hearing about this.. lol at first it sounded absurd and fake lol but i guess it does make sense
Electronic CIgarettes are a cool idea, in my opinion. I recently went camping and one person camping with us was using Electronic Cigarettes as we was trying to quit smoking.

So, I think they are a decent alternative to actual cigarettes. He didn't complain about the price either, so I guess he got them kind of cheap.
i heard this before to my cousin have tried this according to him its just a flavor am a regular smoker and i wanna try this :d when i got money i will try this for sure :D and see how much good is this :p
I dont smoke so I will never know how it tastes like or feels like. But I think it is a great replacement to the real cigarette because it reduces the harm of second hand smoking. But of course it will be nicer if smokers will quit smoking before it's too late.