eMarriage - Get FK eMarried Today!

Plague said:
I got your back, hope you know though, this will will be an open relationship lol

ooooh, I don't mind that you see me and Solittlehope have always had a little something lmfao jk no homo swag 420 yolo snap back retro.
Magneto said:
ooooh, I don't mind that you see me and Solittlehope have always had a little something lmfao jk no homo swag 420 yolo snap back retro.

Lol let's go then. Can run this shit together.
This is funny but gay as fuck.

If someone would like to e-Marry me HMU.
I would like to propose to Pun <3 Would you marry me :*
This is the most gayest thread ive ever seen online. Damn FK, does it again. lol.
Anyone want to get married to me? I have a huge vagina.