Pick said:not unless you snitch on yourself like the narc you are love you narc haha
Boobies said:Pick, will you marry me?
Design said:come on guys marry these lonely fk members ^ lol
One said:Someone marry me? purdy please I gets lonely. LMFAO
Will you marry me bb? You'll have something to update (; ♥Design said:who's newely married?
i need to update the thread
fez said:I think I am ready for a commitment. Marry me bb? ♥ ill fulfill your every need. ♥♡
merry me now hoe. I'm demanding bc iv been rejected twice bc they are too scared to get freaks with an affair. but you aren't scared. ARE YOUAlive said:I would love to pledge my alliance with somebody, that I can get along with.
Christy said:Yes, I will marry you babycakes.