Eminence Group Information Thread

I don't know how to prove myself with being superior, but I surely have a lot of respect by multiple members here. If you want to have me in the group I can set the userbar as a priority to use mainly at all times. Regards.
Looking for a few more people in this group. Just leave a post, not an application. I will review your profile and decide if I think you deserve to be in.
Chapter said:



Recruitment Status:


How do I get in?
Post here if interested and I will consider you if you can prove the following;
Prove you are superior. If I notice you in the marketplace frequently and find that you are helpful to the site, I will PM you and ask if you would like to join.
Not looking for group whores so if I see you not wearing the userbar for more than 3 days, I will drop you from the group.
I figure if you want to be in, then you should wear the userbar.

Please do not ask me to review your application.

How do I get on the blacklist?
Be an asshole
Apply through UserCP
Ask to join
Ask me to review an application or bug me about it.




If you have anything to say, comment on the thread or PM me about it.

Aye well I'm definitely superior :) I'm on everyday to for hours and hours.
I believe I am superior from others in the community, because everyone judges you on what you have and who you're friends with, however with me I remember that I started off someway similar to that. Also I believe that you should add me to "Eminence" because I will be active in the sub-forums and I will wear the userbar 24/7.
Thank you if you consider me, even though you most likely won't.
Chapter said:



Recruitment Status:


How do I get in?
Post here if interested and I will consider you if you can prove the following;
Prove you are superior. If I notice you in the marketplace frequently and find that you are helpful to the site, I will PM you and ask if you would like to join.
Not looking for group whores so if I see you not wearing the userbar for more than 3 days, I will drop you from the group.
I figure if you want to be in, then you should wear the userbar.

Please do not ask me to review your application.

How do I get on the blacklist?
Be an asshole
Apply through UserCP
Ask to join
Ask me to review an application or bug me about it.




If you have anything to say, comment on the thread or PM me about it.

I'm superior AF mr @Chapter ;)
I'd like to join but I already know you don't like me but it's worth a try
Chapter said:



Recruitment Status:


How do I get in?
Post here if interested and I will consider you if you can prove the following;
Prove you are superior. If I notice you in the marketplace frequently and find that you are helpful to the site, I will PM you and ask if you would like to join.
Not looking for group whores so if I see you not wearing the userbar for more than 3 days, I will drop you from the group.
I figure if you want to be in, then you should wear the userbar.

Please do not ask me to review your application.

How do I get on the blacklist?
Be an asshole
Apply through UserCP
Ask to join
Ask me to review an application or bug me about it.




If you have anything to say, comment on the thread or PM me about it.
What have I told you ?!?!?!?! @Chapter I am a GENIUS
The group looks great, although I don't think I'm quite ready for it.

Good luck finding members @Chapter
Hello everyone. I am happy to be a part of this prestigious group and plan to rep the UB 24/7, stay active, and be an asset.
Not sure if I'm worthy or not but I wouldn't mind balancing this group with Demons. Let me know my dude.
May I ask why I am blacklisted? Was gonna make an application.
Chapter said:
You've asked to join several times.

My apologies. I think I can create a decent application and am a good fit for this group, but I understand.
Unfortunately had to drop some members due to the fact they weren't wearing the userbar. I am strict about it.
I see myself superior to others and i like to lead. I love showing new members of the community around and helping them out in the marketplace. I will follow the rules when it comes to wearing the userbar. LMK man, i'd love to be apart of this group.