Evasi0n iOS 7.x Jailbreak Official Release


Active Member

The long awaited iOS 7 Jailbreak for iDevices has arrived. It's free and it's untethered.

I've already jailbroken my iPod, My iPad and my iPhone and my iPad Mini lol.

Link: http://evasi0n.com/

Enjoy everyone!
I have done this thanks, but what tweaks are available? I downloaded bytafont and it dont work ! Iphone 5 btw
Idk, Winterboard works. That's all I know. I have a few locked iPads that I sell and I've just unlocked them with the jailbreak then restored to remove the jailbreak.
I'm going to do my iPad right now.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I should add?
Im lazy as shit. If i plug up my iPhone and you jail break it and put it back to a 6.x update ill pay you 20 PP. Pm me if you can do this.
California said:
Im lazy as shit. If i plug up my iPhone and you jail break it and put it back to a 6.x update ill pay you 20 PP. Pm me if you can do this.
You can't do it unless you have your shsh blobs saved. If you didn't save them, you're stuck on iOS 7.

Frost said:
I'm going to do my iPad right now.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I should add?
Nothing right now, let the tweak developers make some tweaks compatible first.
Frost said:
I'm going to do my iPad right now.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I should add?

Winterboard, AppCake.

I don't know if they've made an appsync for iOS 7 yet (allows the use of free apps).

The iOS 7 Cydia is still in beta mode.

My iPod is stuck in boot mode lol.
Thanks for posting this! Does anyone know how to downgrade back to iOS 6.1.4?
Sweet. I've been waiting for this for a really long time!
Cydia hasn't been updated to iOS7 yet. So, you basically can't install any tweaks yet.
iiInTeNsItiiY said:
Thanks for the post but how many tweaks are available?

All the ones I've tried don't work and I'm on iOS 7.1.4.
I'm hoping some are available in the next few weeks.
Really, you have all that you spoiled little shit. Haha all I have is some shitty Android.
Interesting. You should update the thread once Cydia is fully functioning.
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