Feminism is irrelevant, unjust and flawed. It should be stopped.

Feminism is irrelevant, unjust and flawed. It should be stopped.

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Power member.
Feminism is retarded.

Nuff Said.

No were not going to use the dictionary definition because modern day feminists don't actually adhere to the dictionary definition. Instead they try to refute that men are the sole cause of all women suffering and oppression and that men have diabolically placed themselves at the top of society in order to use women for their own personal needs.

Let the debate begin!

Users that may be interested in this debate: @old @Narc @shiver @Christy @Glitter Milk[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
I agree i think it will be a huge downfall for alot of ppl
But if women ruled the world there would be no wars... THINK ABOUT ALL OF THAT IMPORTANT PORN BEING REPORTED!
Judo said:
But if women ruled the world there would be no wars... THINK ABOUT ALL OF THAT IMPORTANT PORN BEING REPORTED!

You would honestly be foolish to think this. All humans are the same.
Feminism is not irrelevant, honestly you posting this just makes me thing you don't think outside the borders of your own country, which I'm assuming is the US where feminists are mostly sluts parading around naked.
feminism in america is irrelevant. in the middle east it is much needed. i can go on about the irrelevance of it for days though

This should be enough to destroy any debate