Few items

Fat Vouch. Fatter than dat ass. Don't hesitate I've gone first for 150$ deals
@Offer the only thing im looking for trade wise is a final worthy Snapchat which tennis clearly is not lol
So if i were to offer would you do pp or will it be BTC?
Fucking GG Landon. You blew my cover, now everyone knows my secret. ):
@Affair im pretty much not taking paypal unless weve dealt quite a few times
Ahh ok
That makes more sense now :D
I'll put a small offer of $50 just to start it up
@Affair unfortunatly sir you need to specify as to what in the flying fuck your offering for
For @sk*d
I'll add a better offer of $70
I'll offer 5 btc and a trade for tennis pm me if your interested

I'll go first of course
Bumping for the fam. Good luck with sales man.
Bippity boopity boppity boo someone buy my shit before i assassinate you
Hello. I will offer $120 on the IG. Let me know if you accept.