Firefox 4

True Reviewer. I save a couple passwords just for convenience when I shouldn't really. I'm looking for that addon when you click it and your password appears in the box. Can't remember it, might be for Opera dunno. But yeah, it's safer not to save passwords obviously, unless you never download things you know you shouldn't, like me :p.

Never been hacked, never will.
I'm still not to impressed, it seems to take a while to start up. As a result, I went to chrome.
I still use Opera, I like the new FF though.
I've considered using Firefox 4.
But I use my browser when I'm editing themes and doing Web Dev.
I feel Chrome is best for that, therefore that is the Browser I use.
I think Firefox is the best browser. I always like to work with this browser. It is very fast and reliable to use. It has more features. I like the Firefox web browser very much.