First Anime You Watched

I was going to say DBZ lel; I think it has to be bleach
Acrocide said:
Read the initial post.
I think 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of FK has seen DBZ, haha. That was my shit though when I was 9-10.

wHO DOSENT LIKE That shit kammma kamma kaammma haaaaaa!!
Acrocide said:
My favorite character was Master Roshi for this exact reason

That will be me at 60.
Lol well he was one lazy mofo lmao
First Anime I watched... Uhh, pretty sure it was Elfen Lied.
Mine had to be Bleach and I'm currently enjoying the wonder that is fairy tail
I'm pretty sure it was Sword Art Online in 2012 when my friend recommended it.
Naruto, that's my first anime.

But, my favorite is attack on titan.
It was back in 2002/03 for me. The show was called Daigunder. It was about battle robots.
My very first anime was an anime called "School Days" this anime made me addicted to the emotions that an anime can bring onto someone. Crazzy.
Fuck brah it was elfin lied when it was on Netflix. Then people told me about anime websites ect. it was all over after that. When those tears were shed watching that first anime I knew I was hooked to watching tear jerkers.
Acrocide said:
What was the first one you ever watched, and when? None of that DBZ or Naruto shit when you were nine though.

I started on FMA when I was 16. First one I ever watched, and still in my top 5 to this day.

FMA: Brotherhood was my first, then I went on to Soul Eater.
Both in my top 5.
Deathnote is good but so is attack on titan

But my first animal would be samurai chaploon