Damnation said:
I believe that spells "S.S.O.B."
Read it backwards it says B.O.S.S.
Not all acronyms work out perfectly.
But seriously I think cigs are pointless. I don't even smoke and I don't see what's so special.
Damnation said:
I believe that spells "S.S.O.B."
Pruney said:An experience you're missing out on?
Smoking is a waste of money/time and gives no benefits at all. If you wanna be all ~cool~ and shit
go smoke Weed, 10x better with no harmful effects (only the small amount of tobacco)
Damnation said:
I don't plan on spending a dime on anything I can smoke, I just did it before I went to work, just for the experience. The only people who know are people on FK. And weed? maybe late in the week.
Dean Winchester said:I smoke weed, I take codeine and prometh. I would go as far as taking acid. But I have never and will never try a cigarette. If you try it, that's all good, but don't get hooked man, all my mates who got hooked try to give up and can't. Now they are financially screwed because of cigarettes. Just my yarn, TL;DR, whatever.