I ran my mass fk checker and got these☔ said:I'm thinking of changing my name now that I know alot of people can't even see it... What do ya think

You can use one, if you'd like!
I ran my mass fk checker and got these☔ said:I'm thinking of changing my name now that I know alot of people can't even see it... What do ya think
Random said:I ran my mass fk checker and got these
You can use one, if you'd like!
☔ said:Haha I know what names are available I was thinking about a symbol.
■ □ ▢ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ ◆ ◇ ○ ◎ ● ◯ Δ ◕ ◔
Can you see those?
☢ said:That won't work. But I'm gonna change it to the nuke symbol tell me if you can see it
☢ said:It's my name right now . Just tell me if it comes out
Random said:It shows, how do you type it though? I hate when people fucking ignore me for stupid shit. now I'm thoroughly upset.
☢ said:I don't type it. I don't have a computer I use mobile so I just paste it. I can PM you a gigantic list if you're interested. And I believe it's an ALT+ 134 code on the PC.
☢ said:From the research ive done it should be working. I haven't seen any other ones. Even look for yourself.
☃ said:But then I wouldn't even have FK and that wouldn't be good now would it.
EDIT: I have decided to become a snowman. That is all.