Oh, very nice wordplay, I've taken 6 of these tablets right now, currently waiting for the high to kick in.Random said:There are these wonderful little pills labeled 'chill'.
take one.
Hellfire said:Oh, very nice wordplay, I've taken 6 of these tablets right now, currently waiting for the high to kick in.
Random said:Keep posting mate, we need u here to give us cheese (coz that sexy award doe)
RandomJr said:What you mean?
Ever one is like 5000 ahead of me what's the winning person get anyway?
Oh and I got my cheese post a swag selfie like mine
Random said:1st - 60$
2nd - 40$
3rd - 20$
and a random prize at the end.
RandomJr said:Aren't you in the top 2 at least? You have posted alot on this thread
Hellfire said:Random is the top poster with 1.6k some posts, the next closest person is amp with 1091 posts m8. Random has this shit cluthced
Either you don't know how to countn or you read thread wrong, since we're chill I'll assume it's the latter and enlighten you. We need 10k for contest to be over, so the thread needs 1.1k posts till it's over m8.RandomJr said:Only about 100 more posts till its over.
Congrats to that badass @Random
And a cheers to me (cheers) I will have onyx soon
Random your too much of a bad mofo