Free Anything on the xbox store! $10 for today only! {Method}

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This really works because this method was from me. I know I don't have a decent reputation here yet because I'm new, but why would I share it to him if it doesn't works. :)
First couple people to buy gets it for $10 and the rest is $20, so we can get a vouch! Even tho we already have a couple!
G18 said:
First couple people to buy gets it for $10 and the rest is $20, so we can get a vouch! Even tho we already have a couple!

E d d i e from HF told me the basis this is a SEing method , correct?

Yeah , this does work . Eddies done it for me before
Dumpp, still for saleeee..

First person to buy, gets it for $15!

Lmk asap
I bought this method yesterday, it's quite simple and works perfectly. I'm a horrible S E'r and I got it on the first try. :p
Why don;t you just do it for free man. So technically, its not free, because we're paying your 10$-20$ for stuff what are like 10$. So its technically 10$, not free.
-Chippy said:
Why don;t you just do it for free man. So technically, its not free, because we're paying your 10$-20$ for stuff what are like 10$. So its technically 10$, not free.

No technically it is free. Your getting free everything. So be grateful because your saving so much. Not having to pay for any of it. And 20 is not much to ask.
Well, it is if you don't have a paypal or a bitcoin.

This method may not be free, but it allows you to get everything in the store for free.
△ Polish △ said:

This method may not be free, but it allows you to get everything in the store for free.

Yes, I know that, but I don't have a paypal. My mum doesn't trust online stuff.
Reptar said:
I bought this method yesterday, it's quite simple and works perfectly. I'm a horrible S E'r and I got it on the first try.

SEing methods arent allowed to be sold ive had this method for months i will release it for free soon
Destroying said:
SEing methods arent allowed to be sold ive had this method for months i will release it for free soon

You will be banned,
Your not allowed to take other
Peoples stuff. Even if it is a method. So I'm sorry you can't.
G18 said:
You will be banned,
Your not allowed to take other
Peoples stuff. Even if it is a method. So I'm sorry you can't.

No i will not be banned as this is a public method and this is a SEing method you could be banne for sellin it
Destroying said:
No i will not be banned as this is a public method and this is a SEing method you could be banne for sellin it

If it was a public method. Then no one would buy. And the only reason you know is one of your people bought it and told you. So if you post it, then you'll be stealing. That's against the rules
Edit : this same method has been sold on The other site countless times & wiz said someone on this site even sold it before you if anything you probably bought the method and resold it you should be banned

G18 said:
If it was a public method. Then no one would buy. And the only reason you know is one of your people bought it and told you. So if you post it, then you'll be stealing. That's against the rules
One of my people bought it ? No , @E d d i e & @RIP Mocking sold this method to me over a month ago
Destroying said:
Edit : this same method has been sold on The other site countless times & wiz said someone on this site even sold it before you if anything you probably bought the method and resold it you should be banned

One of my people bought it ? No , @E d d i e & @RIP Mocking sold this method to me over a month ago

If you haven't bought it you can't be saying what it is and isn't! End of story!
If you think I bought it. Please tell me who I bought It from and when. You won't find anything. People like you ruin websites. And should be banned
G18 said:
If you think I bought it. Please tell me who I bought It from and when. You won't find anything. People like you ruin websites. And should be banned

I ruin websites ? Because i dont like seeing people spen money on a public method , the user who originally sold it is banned , u may have bought it offsite , and why would i be banned for exposing a public method?
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