Free premium mc accounts

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Shaxia said:
Can I have one please? You are really amazing bro ;)

Shaxia has private messaging disabled. You cannot send private messages to this user.
I have never played mine craft before, I think i better give it a go. Free account please?
Elite User said:
Shaxia has private messaging disabled. You cannot send private messages to this user.

I'm sorry I have PM's enable now, don't know why I had dissable :/

Thanks bro
I would love one, that's the only thing that's stopping me from playing Minecraft D:
PMing you now :p
Ive got minecraft but it gets boring when u play singleplayer.Can i have one account?PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ???
It would really make me happy :D + merry christmas to everyone!!!
Hey any chance this is still up? I got one before but it's not working anymore. If so could you please pm me with it? Otherwise pm me if you can't. Either way please and thank you.
i want mc acc please.
wow elite user...seems to be you're contributing!
but none for me thanks
I'm quitting rs and need a new game to get addicted to...PMed and thanks in advance ^.^
I would like one if you are still givin them out!!!!!!!
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