My Very Crappy Joke
3 Men were in jail for stealing Koins from @Raptor. they were @aNz, @Cess and @Sarcasm
@anz said: Oh noo... how did we get ourselves into this mess?
@Cess said: I could do with some feaking Tea!
@Sarcasm said: Oh.. well i got this wee kettle here we can use for tea. (stolen)
@Sarcasn rubbed the kettle and a genie in a mask appeared with a slide, the masked genie said: if each of you slide down this slide and say what you wish for, you will get it!
So @Cess slides down the slide and says "Women"!. In the jail appeared hundreds of women from far and wide, they all jumped @Cess and he was squished.
@aNz was just about to slide down the slide when he saw his angry wife standing in-front of him and he said "oh dam! You gotta be taking the PISS?!" , he then slid down the slide and said "Teleporter" but unfortunately he landed in a puddle of piss.
@Sarcasm was on the slide now and was just coming down it when he saw @aNz sitting in piss and said "OHhh SHIT!!" and @Sarcasm landed in a field being spread by manure.
Then the Genie took of its mask and chuckled. It was @jukebox!! and she said "That's what you boys get for calling me a Koin whore!", then she skipped of far far away over the hills and beyond the rainbows
@hobbs will be coming for you if i don't win @hobbs