Funniest WANNABE OG gamertag's you've seen...


Lol what are some of the funniest NON OG trying to be OG or even SEMI OG gamertags you guys have seen?

Unfollows, Cant Register, OmnipotentTitan....
I could go on for days...
Um Port Arasia,Clickings,Pushings,Gay faces.
The funniest I ever saw was Apologetically. LOL it is 14 characters and just overall a piece of shit
Almighty said:
Lol what are some of the funniest NON OG trying to be OG or even SEMI OG gamertags you guys have seen?

Unfollows, Cant Register, OmnipotentTitan, Luxury Music...
I could go on for days...

LOL I have "Refollow" :p
Walk said:
Almighty, you're a bitch. Did I say I was trying to be OG? No? My gamertag was Luxury Music, because my YouTube channel was Luxury, so fuck yo couch and get negged. Also, isn't your gamertag OmnipotentTitan?
I think it is. So fuck you.

I'm actually sorry for this one, I was not aware you were a FK member all I noticed was a Friend Request on my GT. Yay more negative rep for me, but seriously I'll remove it. And yes my GT is OmnipotentTitan, and yea I did add myself to the list.
Recolonization is probably the worst I've ever seen. So ugly. Smh
There's this one fag called Jivest, some wannabe hacker squeaker.
Campin cause yolo
Tubas of Tomorrow
A wild pwnasaur
A herd of pianos
^I know. I would love to have my alias @nerd. I've seen the Instagram, Twitter, Minus, and gamertag now for that alias.. It makes me wonder if the same person owns all of them.
Here's a few that I ran into yesterday:

Flate Rates- rates - has OG in his motto.

Protein Pills- - has "OG's add me" in his motto LOL

Decrafts- - has "original" in his bio

Sertralines- sales thread-

iMac Software- software - has "Og's add" in name

And if you want to see alot of OG wannabes go to the OG discussion thread on TTG.
lmao! funny kids desperate!