I may not have a lot of money, but I can offer at least two things to the table.
- Available time
- Mature attitude
I am very available throughout the day. After school, which ends at 3, I am home on the computer until 11, or 12, if not later. Furthermore, I am also very mature. Even though I am only 14, I have been around forums since I was about 8 and I believe I have learned the proper "forum etiquette" or however others call it. I am also very friendly, and do not get into arguments, rather the opposite. I try to stop them from occurring.
I have been somewhat familiar with PHP back in the day, a few years ago, but I've grown pretty rusty at it. I will try to learn it again, so I can have another option to offer to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
-Supreme Leader/Jacob.