Gamertag appraisal

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Appraise the tag: D*iry

Hint: A


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Editing this because it was too harsh but I'd say $100-150 it's a Fence, Door type tag


User is banned.

dairy is nice I like it 150 so stfu you worthless scrub


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LOL savage, the owner of this tag is @fought


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gunnar said:
this mans thought @producer was talking to him
yea but I edited so that kids don't get salty and report it happy @lolfunnyman?


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Liquids said:
LOL savage, the owner of this tag is @fought
Why is this fatboy talking? Nigga resembles a bull dog with his fat greasy monkey ass. Why does he even comment when his opinion isn't valued.

Bro this kid named himself after a mutt. Like you need to grab the rope. Smh with this ugly fat ass bull.


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Fought said:
Why is this fatboy talking? Nigga resembles a bull dog with his fat greasy monkey ass. Why does he even comment when his opinion isn't valued.
1. why are you trying to talk to me like you know me 
2. learn how to type and spell bulldog is not two words like pit bull 
3. you have no room to talk with that shitty tag you have that tag just to feel badass because you're lactose intolerant and have a tag you can't even drink or eat that contains that because you want to be something you're not  
4. speak right when you talk to me not like the hoodlum you are. using slang terms like that to me.
5. if you're trying to tell me I'm not using grammar it's because I'm not gonna waste my time on the broken condom failed attempt you are just mine as well go to Home Depot and buy rope and commit. 
6. you probably didn't have a tag before the reset you had to get a tag off a reset to feel og like of all tags why @lolfunnyman did you claim that on the reset you could've got way better tags than that.


New Member
Three things I can state that are facts.
1. You're ugly as shit.
2. Your GT Bulldog is mad irrelevant.
3. No one would claim that tag even if it was available. 
Not to mention you try to correct someone on grammar. When you had grammatical issues all over your reply. You also resorted to that as an insult because it's all that you can cling to. If my tag is worth as much as you say it is. Your tags networth has absolutely no value. I'd give you a broken controller for the tag. Never talk out of your ass when you don't have shit to begin with. Strap a bomb to your nose and take your family with you, you inbred fuck.


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1. Who the fuck puts a bomb on their nose that's not even possible you low life bottom feeder 
2. Begging for attention and you obviously can't read are you fucking mentally challenged and fucking has an eye spasm. 
3. Why are you trying to go off topic we are talking about Internet related stuff not fucking looks like why are caring about looks of a guy are you a fucking homosexual? 
4. Who speaks with slang like that over the Internet and shit probably you're one of those white kids who say "nigga" everyday like its okay and shit 
5. you're just salty that you got that tag off the reset and won't accept the fact that is complete shit 
6. Why haven't you gone to Home Depot are you too retarded And don't know what rope is? here I'll provide the rope and kick the stool that you are standing on for you and during your funeral when everyone is in line to put roses on you id walk buy spit on your forehead and knee your grandma in face until that bitch dies


New Member
First things first, you're a dirty ass fat fucking Indian with no teeth. Second, you type like you're borderline retarded or mentally defficient. It's literally a guessing game with your sentences. Third, you have the tag "Bulldog", that doesn't even need a punchline.  Fourth, you neg repped Me because you're salty af. Just know your place, plus you call Me a whiteboy. My avatar is Me lmao, take a good look fat neck. Not white, kill yourself you degenerate. You got a big ass nose, so strapping a bomb to it would be no problem. Hold The L bitch, you're playing a game you can't Win.


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LMAO oh no back at it again with the irl shit we talking about Internet shit boy.  learn the difference and why are you tryna roast my tag when yours is FUCKING DAIRY WHO TF WANTS TO BE KNOWN AS THAT. You got to be one of those kids who foams out from their mouth nonstop because you're brain dead from staring at a screen and my tag has been around long before the reset and that's the only tag you're gonna ever own I wouldn't even consider you reset kids og. you guys are finding the most shittiest word to be like come on now Dairy, Fence, Move, and Door fucking cancerous. apparently you don't know what a bulldog is here I googled it for you since it's too fucking hard for you

Evil Maniac

Power member.
@Producer You already lost this argument lmao that reply was weak as fuck. Before you say anything, do you even know the definition of Move? Lmao you kids will be on my dick for years. I don't even acknowledge you and you talk about my 4 letter common OG lmfao. But then again I don't want to be arguing on forums. Me him and liquids are in a party rn, get on and talk to us there


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why would I waste my valueable oxygen and talk to you skiddiots thinking you're the shit because you got a 4 letter og you're like every other reset skid thinking they badass with a og tag and why would you want Move to be your online alias that's shit if only hitler was here to gas all the skids like you @fought over here or make a fucking conveyer belt with all
of y'all tied up and in a line moving into lava and being burned alive and having your family watching over you popping champagne glad your dead making their life a thousand times better


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nice bible faggot

all I have to say is add me GT: Fence | OG's only

Evil Maniac

Power member.

I don't even know how you kids even found my other tag, I guess you guys must stalk me 24/7 like @The Host does constantly. And yes I admit, I got those 2 tags after the reset but then again I owned a 3 char way before. (Not saying 3 char's are good) but just pointing that out. I just find it funny how you're always on here talking about my tags 24/7. It's summer, there's lots to do outside. Plus you really seem like you're getting mad. Eat a snicker bar lol.
And as for @Devil you're a complete waste of time. Keep replying to me like a slave, I'm not even acknowledging you.


New Member
You are probably the corniest kid I've ever come across. You say the type of jokes that has peoole laughing at you. I literally laugh at how stupid you are, your literacy issues are quite hysterical as well. With a tag like Bulldog, you can't even consider yourself OG even if it was before the reset. You named yourself after a bitch. That has lazy eyes and a fucked up face. Move is a hundred times better than Bulldog. Anyone can agree, just ask around. No one would claim that shit tag lmao. You truly are a parasite if you think you're nice with that shit. Internet related shit doesn't hurt Me, so I go for what actually matters. Which is insulting your pathetic life. 


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Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself Please kill yourself


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oh wow a 3 char that's something more og than your current tags and I know your tags because I got the connects. you and your reset friends got those shit tags to feel good was trying that fucking hard to be og it's pathetic you would die to have any common word to feel og which is pathetic why not have a good alias then be known as a fucking fence and door did your parents slam the door when they left you at the orphanage and you got a fucking baby fence because you act like a baby and feel that it is necessary to roast back to make you feel good about yourselves like I'm talking to YOU AND ONLY YOU NOT ME, YOU can you read that or no you have the site of an old man and can't read for shit playing bingo in your deathbed while watching wheels of fortune in the retirement home
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