Gamertag appraisal

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@evilmaniac don't tag me again you illiterate broke fuck. I don't know you. Don't tag me again.

Go dickride Drake the turboing shit stain.
You all got tags from the reset. Before that you broke kids were rocking tags like Microwavingly.
Producer said:
oh wow a 3 char that's something more og than your current tags and I know your tags because I got the connects. you and your reset friends got those shit tags to feel good was trying that fucking hard to be og it's pathetic you would die to have any common word to feel og which is pathetic why not have a good alias then be known as a fucking fence and door did you parents slam the door when they left you at the orphanage and you got a fucking baby fence because you act like a baby and feel that it is necessary to roast back to make you feel good about yourselves like I'm talking to YOU AND ONLY YOU NOT ME, YOU can you read that or no you have the site of an old man and can't read for shit playing bingo in your deathbed while watching wheels of fortune in the retirement home

"I have the site of an old man" You may want to learn the difference between Site and Sight. Looks like you need better sight to see what you're typing :).
EvilManiac said:
"I have the site of an old man" You may want to learn the difference between Site and Sight. Looks like you need better sight to see what you're typing :).
PM your address I'm from the GTA too :)
The Host said:
@evilmaniac don't tag me again you illiterate broke fuck. I don't know you. Don't tag me again.

Go dickride Drake the turboing shit stain.
You all got tags from the reset. Before that you broke kids were rocking tags like Microwavingly.

You talk about me 24/7. Go travel all over the UK for an OG tag with a budget of 2K. You can come back on here and tell everyone about your experience. And I only tagged you cuz you're always on my dick like the little bitch you are :)
@evilmaniac we don't stalk you. We laugh at you.
i think around 145-165 is good for this tag my dude
EvilManiac said:
"I have the site of an old man" You may want to learn the difference between Site and Sight. Looks like you need better sight to see what you're typing :).
well I don't give 2 fucks about spelling right now as long as you get the point and answer this would you really want your online alias as Move? it may be worth more than my tag but it's a better alias and has more meaning is an animal and a gun in AW and Ghosts like move is a terrible alias like "yo Move he's top brown" like really you wouldn't even know the difference if he's telling you to move or calling you by your gt that's stupid alias is more important to me than price value of tags my tag could be worth nothing but could be a great alias you don't understand the point

The Host said:
@evilmaniac don't tag me again you illiterate broke fuck. I don't know you. Don't tag me again.

Go dickride Drake the turboing shit stain.
You all got tags from the reset. Before that you broke kids were rocking tags like Microwavingly.
for real dude that's what I'm telling these kids but they can't get it through their thick fucking skulls and they try so hard to be oG and flex these are the kids are ruin the scene and make it cancer
This tag is worth $150 tops in my opinion.
Not really my kind of tag
lol these faggots be like "Dude talk to me in real life...Add my GT" lmao if you really want "talk" fucking find me damn like you internet fags need a life other than playing with dudes on forums and saying "join my party rn" lol
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