Gamertag Reset question.

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Hey just wondering, i really really really want the tag Carlos. Hasnt been active since the original xbox, is there a way Microsoft will reset the tag and make it available?
normally 7 years of complete WLID and XBOX Inactivity which may be never. Also the tags get manually reset by microsoft so no clue
After 7 years or longer without activity it will be reset or if there's a spaced version of it.
There are so many tags like this, hopefully there is another massive reset soon. :(
yea i hope they reset but idk microsoft are thieves and greedy there are soo many original tags that are not in use its ridiculous.
Quad said:
normally 7 years of complete WLID and XBOX Inactivity which may be never. Also the tags get manually reset by microsoft so no clue
I agree, I just hope I get a couple before christy gets them all!
Well the word is 7 years I think they reset the gamertag's without telling anyone when there gonna do it
They may not reset cause people sell them immediately like retards so they might not reset again
I haven't heard of any resets for the last couple of months so they may have stopped or just be taking a break. Keep watching any tags you want though, you might get lucky.
Phantom said:
I haven't heard of any resets for the last couple of months so they may have stopped or just be taking a break. Keep watching any tags you want though, you might get lucky.

i know, ive been waiting and checking hopefully they will do it soon.